

Welcome to imakereality! Here, you'll find $50 on the ground, proof that Big Foot is real, and that I have a love of storytelling. This is the home of Haz-Matt's personal blog as well as the professional portfolio of imakereality Creative Services.

Haz-Matt and John Romita JR

Welcome to the site you didn't know you needed.

Creativity in business and marketing is often reduced to numbers, figures, and formulas. Rigid rules that serve to hyper-focus and obey statistics.

That’s total crap.

The thing you love, the idea you’re passionate about, and the cause you champion should be something that comes from a very personal place. This requires a path and evolution unique to you. I want to help bring that to life and make it a success.

The Next of Many...

I'll be posting a little of everything here: my vlogs, blogs, reviews, and marketing/storytelling philosophies. It's how you know we'd work well together or if you think I'm a total nutbar. Either way, I hope it's somewhat entertaining.

imakereality Creative Services

This is a production house that’s constantly under construction to grow our services and your audience.

imakereality social media management

Social Media Management

Freelance Writer

Media Production imakereality

Media Production

Let's Work Together

Interested in being a guest on my show? Doing a collaboration? Need help on a media project? Want to grab a sandwich? I'm up for any of it and look forward to hearing from you.