
Home Services

Freelance Services

I love storytelling. Whether it's through the "customer journey" for marketing, a funny personal vlog, or my daily radio show, I enjoy crafting a unique voice to elevate any experience.

imakereality social media management

Social Media Management

Want your target demographics funneled to your website? If you need a publishing calendar to support your marketing plan, imakereality Creative Services can help.

Freelance Writer

Once people arrive at your website, you'll need quality content! Editorial, infotainment, humor, and scripting pieces are all available for assignment and contract work.

Media Production imakereality

Media Production

When creating an audio piece (podcasts, radio commercials, etc.), video piece (vlogs, behind-the-scenes, etc.), or a live event (hosting, marketing, etc.) you'll want your unique voice and message captured in a creative way.

Years Of Experiences
0 +
Fans Gained on Social Media
0 +
Only One of Me

Why Work With Me?

Because you're a smart person with great taste. want to find someone who can contribute to your unique marketing plan and message.

Always Learning

I've never trusted anyone who says they have all the answers. The point is to keep learning and match the constantly changing landscape.

Working from Anywhere

Sometimes the best way to capture a voice is to discover it outside of an office.

My Portfolio

Here's a small sample of the work I've done throughout my career. Just enough to fall in love with me...or recoil in terror. It's a win/win.

Researched Articles, Blog Posts, etc.
By Piece$ Determined by assignment.
Website Copy
Landing Pages, Sales, Social Media
By Project$ Determined by month or campaign.

What Clients/Colleagues Say

Enough of me talking about how great I am: here's other people talking about how great I am.

Haz-Matt Headshot 3

Let's Work Together

Interested in being a guest on my show? Doing a collaboration? Need help on a media project? Want to grab a sandwich? I'm up for any of it and look forward to hearing from you.